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We believe everything we do should always respect our users.

We review our poliecies and make changes and updates to keep you and your family safe while using our services.

We keep work to prevent ,detect and block spam, malware, viruses from reaching you.

Things that you should take precaution while using our service

Never share your sensitive information like password,phone number, credit card number, or any other sensitive information with any user

Do not exchange your account with any user

Never respond to a message or an email that asks your password pretending to be from WhysChat. WhysChat never asks your password in a message or an email.

Never respond to emails that you receive from an unauthorised email address and person.

Never click on the links that you receive in messages or emails that claims from the WhyChat. Always check the email that is not forwarded by someone, It can be a phishing email

Authorised you will receive emails from :


In the time of account creation, reset password and change email address. This is a system generated email and does not support replies. For support use our support form in our website we will respond you from the email vijakr289@gmail.com

You make sure that our email is not forwarded and you recieved it directly